Quick Git - Index

Most people I know use graphical tools like Git Kraken or Fork to interact with their git repositories. These programs or even the integrated git clients in Visual Studio/Code are easy to use and provide nice visualizations. But I for myself often like to stick with the command line when it comes to git – call me a Purist. Mastering git on the command line makes you platform- and software agnostic so you stay productive even when your work environment changes at some point. Getting to know and practicing the different git commands and switches also comes in handy when your repository is broken and you have to carry out less prominent git operations to save the day.

But remembering them all is hard, so I decided to start this blog series called Quick Git where I will every now and then quickly cover more or lesser known git operations with regards to their quirks and how to apply them on the command line with examples. This initial post will serve as an index for the collection of hopefully helpful Git Command line Quick Tipps and I will keep it updated every time I release a new one.

Here you go!


Reset a branch

Update a commit

Case-sensitive commits

Delete local branches without remote

Time Qualifiers

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